If you are inquiring about counseling services at Cathexis Tucson, please use the Contact Form on this page to provide the following information so that we can determine if an available therapist is suitable for your care:
A) The client’s name and date of birth.
B) Parent/legal guardian’s name and contact information.
C) Brief description of the client’s need for services such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, etc.
D) Whether the client will be using insurance or Self Pay. The insurance plans we accept are: Aetna PPO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona PPO, some Tricare plans, and the AHCCCS Banner University Family Plan and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan networks. Please note we do not contract with Medicare plans. It is also important to tell us if you have more than one health insurance policy as we may be required to bill both carriers for your claims (Dual Complete plans are considered two policies).
E) If using commercial insurance, please provide the Member ID, Customer Service number on the card, and the Subscriber’s name and date of birth if different from the client.
F) If you are open to services with one of our talented interns, we may be able to fit you in sooner.
G) Whether you prefer Telehealth, In Person, or are open to both.
H) If we cannot place you with an immediate therapist, would you like to be added to our waiting list for services?